
A Fighter for Campbell County Health

My name is Matthew Truskiewicz, and I live in Gillette, Wyoming. I'm an entrepreneur who owns a consulting company that helps turn around struggling businesses. Before that, I spent 12 years working as a mechanic, and as anyone who's ever turned a wrench knows, you never really stop being one. Fixing things is in my blood.

I love this community, and when I look around, I can't help but notice that something at Campbell County Health is broken. As someone who's spent his life identifying problems and finding solutions, I feel it's my responsibility to step up. That's why I'm running for the Campbell County Health Board of Trustees.

Our healthcare system needs a tough, honest approach, and I believe I'm the right person for the job. It's time to bring back patient-centered care. The patient experience should be our number one priority, and that starts with repairing the patient-provider relationship. I want to rebuild that trust and ensure that every patient feels heard and cared for.

Balancing the budget isn't just about cutting costs; it's about smart management. I believe that if we take care of patients with proper management, the dollars will take care of themselves. By hiring and training local talent, we'll not only improve patient care but also invest in our community's future.

I'm not a politician; I'm a problem solver. I see what's broken, and I want to fix it. With your support, we can make Campbell County Health great again.

Let's fix what's broken—together.

Key Highlights

Our Mission Icon

Integrity in administration

Transparent, accountable leadership Building a community-first healthcare system Engaging the community for better health outcomes

Our Mission Icon

Patient-centered care

Putting patient needs first Healthcare designed around you Our focus: patients at the heart of care

Our Mission Icon

Balanced budget management

Efficient resource use for better care Financial transparency for a sustainable future Smart budgeting to ensure quality healthcare